
Claire Devereux

If you have found your way to this website, then perhaps you are looking for something. Help, support, direction in life.


Do you feel like you keep repeating the same mistakes? Are you caught in negative patterns but don't seem to be able to get out of them? Or have you experienced life events that you are not able to cope with and need help to get through a difficult patch?

Counselling, psychotherapy and Inner Space Techniques (IST) are the tools I use to help clients explore inside themselves to find the answer to whatever brought them to our sessions. Irrespective of the modality used, the ultimate goal is to get back to a centred sense of self.

"Your vision will only become clear when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens" Carl Jung


More information

If you would like more information about counselling, psychotherapy or IST contact me in confidence info@clairedevereux.com